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Differential Diagnosis in MS, NMO-SD and MOGAD

In this keynote presentation from the 9th edition of the ParadigMS Belgian Symposium ,Prof. Romain Marignier talks about Differential Diagnosis in MS, NMO-SD and MOGAD, focusing on the features that help differentiating between those conditions.


In the past 20 years, the concept of antibody mediated demyelinating disorders have emerged. These diseases, namely Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) and myelin oligodendrocyte (MOG)- antibody associated disease (MOGAD), share common features with multiple sclerosis, but are fundamentally different in terms of pathophysiology, disease course and treatment. In this lecture we will provide a clinical, biological and imaging description of these two entities, and propose a focus on the features that helps to differentiate in between these conditions.

Learning Objectives

  • To know the diagnostic criteria for NMOSD and MOGAD as compared to MS
  • To identify the situation when to search for AQP4-IgG and/or MOG-IgG

  • To know the principles of attack and preventive therapies of NMOSD and MOGAD


Romain Marignier

Prof. Romain Marignier is a neurologist (MD), professor in the Neurological Hospital of Lyon, France. His field of expertise are the neuro-inflammatory disorders of the central nervous system with a specific interest on rare disorders, namely neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) and MOG-Ab associated diseases (MOGAD). Pr Marignier is the coordinator of the French nationwide NMO and MOGAD cohorts and biobanks, NOMADMUS, set up in 2010 that includes all the French clinical experts in neuro-inflammatory disorders. Through NOMADMUS, Pr Marignier provided breakthrough insights in the topic regarding clinical characterization, management, and treatment of NMOSD and MOGAD, supported by major publication in high-profile journals.

Since 2017, Prof. Marignier is the head of the French referral center for rare inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system (MIRCEM), providing expertise on diagnosis and management of NMOSD and MOGAD for both patients and clinicians.

Finally, Prof. Marignier achieved a PhD on basic neurosciences in 2011 at Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 on the role of auto-antibodies in NMOSD and related diseases. He actually performs his research at INSERM unit 1028 in Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre (CRNL) on: 1. The pathophysiology of auto antibody- mediated disorders of the central nervous system with in vitroex vivo and animal models; 2. The development of new strategies to optimise detection of auto-antibodies (anti-AQP4, anti-MOG, anti-GFAP) for diagnosis and prognosis purpose (immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry).



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  • Author(s)

    Romain Marignier
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  • Release Date

    March 28, 2024
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