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Multiple Sclerosis Continued Medical Education Needs Assessment 2024 – Neurologists and residents

Our goal is to improve patient care for MS, NMOSD, and MOGAD by providing expertly curated learning materials and advanced, clinically relevant CME. By participating in our survey, you help us create high-quality CME content tailored for neurologists and residents. (function(t,e,s,n){var o,a,c;t.SMCX=t.SMCX||[],e.getElementById(n)||(o=e.getElementsByTagName(s),a=o[o.length-1],c=e.createElement(s),c.type="text/javascript",c.async=!0,,c.src="",a.parentNode.insertBefore(c,a))})(window,document,"script","smcx-sdk");...

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Expert Meeting 7th of September 2024

On Saturday, 7th September, ParadigMS will convene an Expert Meeting in Budapest, assembling top specialists in multiple sclerosis to review and discuss educational materials on MS treatment and care. The agenda includes new topics like consensus quality indicators for monitoring MS and the diagnosis and treatment of NMO/MOGAD, alongside final presentations on monitoring disease progression beyond EDSS. There will be a key discussion on how to uncover subtle or silent progressions and also the talks on the updates on prognosis factors in MS and future topics are foreseen. The detailed agenda...

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Live webinar on the use of generic, biosimilar and non-biologic complex drugs for multiple sclerosis – SAVE THE DATE

Live webinar on the use of generic, biosimilar and non-biologic complex drugs for multiple sclerosis – Second edition – with German translation! Join this webinar and familiarise yourself with the robust European regulatory processes and effective oversight for generic, biosimilar, and follow-on non-biologic complex drugs (NBCDs) of disease modifying therapies in multiple sclerosis. This webinar will allow you to have informed conversations with your patients about the potential use of these agents. Register now Find out more information on the event site here: Webinar...

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ParadigMS at EAN Congress 2024

The 10th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) took place in Helsinki, Finland (and online) from 29 June to 2 July 2024. ParadigMS joined this event, engaging with Neurohood visitors to discuss our unique learning initiatives and efforts to foster awareness within the neurology community. As ParadigMS, we support the European Academy of Neurology’s efforts to advocate for Brain Health. Brain Health is about prevention, protection, and policy interventions. A crucial element of the Brain Health strategy focuses on boosting and empowering the workforce of health professionals...

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Newsletter – ParadigMS Foundation for Summer 2024!

Over the past six months, our Members dedicated their expertise to publish an article on the hot topic of multiple sclerosis in individuals aged 55 and above. It was a fruitful collaboration with the European Charcot Foundation.On top of this, our Belgian colleagues discussed the important topic of differential diagnosis in MS, NMO-SD and MOGAD.With our Board we decided to work on the topic of generics, biosimilars and NBCDs for multiple sclerosis.We were also pleased to be invited to speak about AI and prognostication, smouldering disease, stem cell transplantation...

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