Immunological Players in the Pathogenesis of MS
Inflammation is the driving force in the pathogenesis of MS.
Over the past decades, we can observe increased recognition that various immune cells are involved: [CD4+ Tc, CD8+ Tc, macrophages] plus Bc plus microglia.
As a consequence of gained knowledge in the immunopathogenesis of MS -> DMTs are, thus, increasingly developed towards targeted treatments (at the right time of the disease course…).
Prof. Thomas Berger, MD, MSc, FEAN, is Professor of Neurology and Chair of the Dept. of Neurology as well as Chair of the Comprehensive Center for Clinical Neurosciences & Mental Health at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria.
Scientific interests regard neuroimmunology, especially inflammatory demyelinating CNS disorders with a dedicated focus on body-fluid and imaging biomarker research in multiple sclerosis, NMOSD and MOGAD. This aims to developing personalized strategies in the diagnosis, prognosis and individualized therapy of those neurological diseases.