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Management of progressive MS

This session explains the management of progressive MS by Prof Magd Zakaria and Prof Veronica Popescu.

09th September 2022, ParadigMS Egypt Symposium

ParadigMS Foundation organised, in collaboration with the Egyptian MS Society, a two-day symposium that took place from Thursday 8th September 2022 through Friday 9th September 2022 in Cairo, Egypt. Here you can review the full keynotes on Management of progressive MS.



Egyptian Society of Multiple Sclerosis, Egypt

Magd Zakaria obtained his medical degree from the Medical School of Ain Shams University in 1980 where he graduated with honors. He completed his residency and obtained his Master’s Degree in Neuropsychiatry at the Neuropsychiatric Department of Ain Shams University in 1984. Prof. Zakaria became Assistant Lecturer in 1989 and thereafter obtaining his MD degree in Neurology in 1989. Prof. Zakaria became Assistant Professor of Neurology in 1994 and Professor of Neurology since 1999 until now. He was Head of the Neurology Department at the Ain Shams Specialized University Hospital in 1990 and Head of the Stroke Unit in 1991. Since 2014, Prof. Zakaria has become the Head of the Multiple Sclerosis Unit at the Ain Shams Specialized University Hospital.

Prof. Zakaria is currently the President of the Egyptian Society of Multiple Sclerosis and a member of the editorial board of the journal MSARD (Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders). He is also a member of the MENACTRIMS assembly board and Egypt’s Brain Health Champion (MS Brain Health Organization). 

Prof. Zakaria was also the head of the Neuropsychiatric Department of the Ain Shams medical school from August 2015 till July 2017.


University of Hasselt, Belgium

During her neurology residency in Bucharest Romania (where she was born), her interest in MRI was sparkled by the ISMRM MRI Summer School. Afterwards she spent one year at the MS Center Amsterdam, starting her work on brain atrophy in Multiple Sclerosis. After the residency and one year at the Lille University Hospital, Veronica returned to Amsterdam for a PhD in MRI in Multiple Sclerosis with Prof. Frederik Barkhof, combining MRI with pathological and clinical data, including several MAGNIMS projects. Since 2014 she is working in Belgium, first as a Medical Expert for medical software and since 2015 as a neurologist specialized in Multiple Sclerosis at the Rehabilitation and MS Center in Pelt and Hasselt University. In 2017 Veronica got the Erasmus Course on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Neuro Diploma, and since 2016 she is also specialized in Palliative and End Of Life Care.



  • Directors

  • Author(s)

    Prof Magd Zakaria & Prof Veronica Popescu
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  • Release Date

    September 09, 2022
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