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How Real World Evidence Complements Clinical Trial data

Presentation How Real World Evidence Complements Clinical Trial data by Prof Tjalf Ziemssen & Prof Helmut Butzkueven

2016, Real World data in MS by Prof Tjalf Ziemssen & Prof Helmut Butzkueven

Professor Tjalf Ziemssen is Director of the Center of Clinical Neuroscience with its Multiple Sclerosis Centre (MSC), neuroimmunological lab (NIL) and
autonomic lab (ANF) at the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital, in Dresden, Germany. 
He is an active member of several neurological societies, including the German Neurological Society, the European Neurological Society, the
American Academy of Neurology and the European Federation of Autonomic Societies.

Professor Helmut Butzkueven (MBBS 1992, PhD 2002), is an academic neurologist specializing in management of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and real-world MS outcomes research. He is the Chair of MS and Neuroimmunology Research at the Central Clinical School, Monash University and Head of MS and Neuroimmunology services at Alfred Helath and Eastern Health.  Helmut Butzkueven is the Managing Director of the MSBase Foundation
(, a global online MS cohort study which commenced in 2004, with more than 60,000 patients enrolled from 117 centres to date.
His overarching research theme and clinical interest is the use of registry data, MRI data, cognitive testing, genomis and patient self-mo



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  • Author(s)

    Prof Tjalf Ziemssen & Prof Helmut Butzkueven
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  • Release Date

    October 06, 2016
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