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Benign MS

Benign MS by Andreas Lysandropoulus & Nikolaos Grigoriadis

is an MS specialist at the University Hospital “Erasme” in Brussels, BELGIUM. His major research interests are clinical spectrum of MS and CD8+ T cells, vitamin D, HLA and EBV in MS. He received his MD from Athens Medical School in Greece and completed his internship and residency in Neurology/Neuroimmunology at the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland. At the same time, he developed his own research project at the Laboratory of Immunology of the University Hospital of Lausanne. Since June 2012, he is running the Neuroimmunology Unit at the University Hospital “Erasme” in Brussels. Dr. Lysandropoulos develops research projects in MS and participates as principal investigator to several clinical studies. He is the writer of medical articles in peer-reviewed journals and he is an invited author to national medical journals. Dr Lysandropoulos is a member of national and international MS advisory boards.

Prof Nikolaos Grigoriadis graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He did his PhD thesis and residency in Neurology in the same institution. He has been specialized in clinical and experimental Neuroimmunology and CNS immunopathology in a number of research centers and institutions abroad.

He is now Professor of Neurology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Head of the of the B’ Dept of Neurology, AHEPA University Hospital, the MS Centre and the Laboratory of Experimental Neurology and Neuroimmunology



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    Dr Andreas Lysandropoulos & Prof Nikolaos Grigoriadis
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  • Release Date

    March 05, 2016
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