ParadigMS Master Class – 20th October 2022

By ParadigMS Foundation
Register now! ParadigMS Foundation organises its first Master Class in October 2022!
The Master Class aims to bring together health care practitioners participating both on site as well as online, by offering a learning experience that can positively impact your clinical practice. Question and answer sessions and polls will be used to encourage participants to get involved and engage with the speakers and other participants.
Thursday 20th October 2022
Hybrid event – on site (Health Avenue, Ikaroslaan 57, 1930 Zaventem) and online.
MS prognostication in practice: today and future perspectives
MS prognostication provides the neurologist with a comprehensive overview of each patient’s current and potential future disease status. It can be used to identify ‘red flags’ in the patient’s profile indicating the need for heightened vigilance and/or a more aggressive treatment approach.
In this one-hour masterclass, MS neurologists present three related subjects. First, a prognostication tool is presented that can be used by neurologists in clinical practice. Next, cases are presented where high efficacy pharmacological treatment is used depending on demographic factors, clinical manifestations, MRI observations and biomarkers. We conclude the session with a view on the potential of virtual care and digital biomarkers to complement the available patient data for a neurologist.
Neurologists • Neurologists in training • Nurses • Researchers • Rehabilitation professionals • Medical professionals
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Register now through the form below. You will receive a confirmation email for your registration and all the necessary information will follow up.
With thanks to our sponsor, who supports this event without any involvement in the elaboration of the presentations.